Rytter & Rytter was established in 1985, the first years under the name Arabesk. After 30 years and several decorative art projects, we, Erik and Dagmar, have decided to change our name to Rytter & Rytter. We work with both interior and exterior architectural features and landscapes.
Today Rytter & Rytter consists of sculptor Erik Rytter and painter Dagmar Rytter Jensen. Rytter & Rytter works in close cooperation with architects and landscape architects and has through the years built up a network of competent and skilled craftsmen: sculptors, painters and ceramists etc. whose knowledge and skills cannot be overlooked.
Good architecture and decorative art needs visionary entrepreneurs and good consultants.
In our opinion if monumental art should succeed then the cooperation of all the involved parties has to be optimal.
For that to happen it is important to bring the art into the project as early as possible, preferably from the start. We realize that entrepreneurs and architects are otherwise engaged in trying to get the finance, design and other factors organized first but in our experience the best result have come from having started a worthwhile dialogue early on in the project.
Do you have a project that includes ornamentation or do you have an idea for a project that you wish to get started or if you would just like to know more, then contact us.
Dagmar Rytter
My temperament is both visual and sensual, and my passion is reflected in my work. I express myself in a multitude of colours, which blend like musical notes. Everything I have experienced and do experience is also reflected in my work. The eternal cycle of life itself is my inspiration. Life itself is my source for creation, embracing everything that nature and we, as human beings reside.
The need for self-expression stimulates my desire to express my view of the world. In this way I mirror the world to other people by means of art. What I want to say is actually quite simple: “Take a deep breath, open your eyes and really look at the world.”

Erik Rytter
Diversity, quality and usability, are important elements in my art. There should be many layers in a picture. They should be the readily visible, and more underlying messages, which the viewer discovers over time. I work with two sides of art. What I call basic research in the visual medium “Urkunstmassen” investigation into the shared, indigenous qualities of art) and the art used in the monumental. What I call applied research.
These are two sides of the same representation in which one is a natural consequence of the other.

Glass decorations, stained & cut glass.
Floors, flooring in linoleum, wood and stone.
Light sculptures, design of light fixtures and interactive light design.
Mosaics, design of mosaic decorations in marble and glass.
– polished marble plaster.
Paving in stone, cement slaps and tiles.
Sculptures in wood, stone and bronze.
Water arts, water fountain design and fountains.
Mosaics, design of mosaic decorations in marble and glass.
Landscape art. Art in the landscape made of only natural resources.
Graphic design. Design of logos, posters, book illustrations, etc.
The most recent addition to Rytter & Rytter’s field of expertise is interactive
arts in cyberspace.

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